General country information

Country: Slovenska Republika (The Slovak Republic)

[Central Europe]

 Geographics coordinates: Patince (47 43' 55" of the North Latitude), Oravska Polhora (49 36' 54" of the North Latitude), Zahorska Ves (16 50' 04" of the East Longitude), Nova Sedlica (22 34' 20" of the East Longitude)

Area: 49 030

Bordering countries: Czech Republic, Poland, Ukrainian Republic, Hungary, Austria

Capital: Bratislava (441 453)

Maximum length: 428 km (Zahorska Ves - Nova Sedlica)

Maximum width: 195 km (Sturovo - Skalite)

Elevation above sea level: 95 m (Bodrog) - 2656 m (Gerlach)

National flag:

[Slovak flag]

The national flag is composed of three horizontal stripes - white, blue and red with white at the top, followed by blue and red). In the front section of the national flag is the national emblem of Slovakia.

National emblem:

[Slovak emblem]

The national emblem has a red, early Gothic shield with a silver double cross mounted on the central peak of the blue three hill group.

National seal:

[Slovak seal]

The national seal has the national emblem surrounded by the inscription SLOVENSKA REPUPLIKA (The SLOVAK REPUBLIC).

Official Language:Slovak

 Population (December 1996): 5 378 932 with 2 760 498 women. There were 60,123 live-born children in 1996 in Slovakia (1,304 less than in 1995) and 51,236 people died (450 less than in 1995). Slovakia acquired 2,255 inhabitants through migration.The average life expectancy is 68 years in men and 77 years in women. In terms of population Slovakia ranks as the 20th country in Europe.

Population density: 107.5/

Nationalities: Slovak (85.6%), Hungarian (10.8%), Romany (1.8%), Czech (1.2%), Ruthenian (0.3%), Ukrainian (0.3%), German (0.1%), Polish (0.1%),Other (0.2%)

Religion: Roman-Catholic (60.3%), Greek-Catholic (3.4%), Evangelic A.c. (6.2%), Reformist (1.6%), Orthodox (0.6%), Without any confession (9.7%),No data (18.2%)

President: Rudolf Schuster

Prime minister: Mikuláš Dzurinda

Government type: parliamentary democracy

Independence: January 1, 1993 (from Czecho-Slovakia)

Constitution: January 1, 1993

Monetary unit: Slovenska koruna (Slovak crown)= 100 hellers

Chief crops: wheat, rye, corn, potatoes, sugar beets

Livestock: cattle, pigs, chickens, sheep, goats

Major industries: brown coal mining, chemical, metal working, consumer appliances, fertilizers, plastics, armaments

Natural resources: antimony ore, mercury, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc

Slovak cities and towns on World Wide Web

  • Bratislava (Capital City) - with a population of 451 616 inhabitants (June 30, 1995), residence of the Slovak President, seat of national, political, economic, social and scientific bodies and institutions.
  • Kosice - with a population of 239 927.
  • Presov - with a population of 92 013.
  • Nitra - with a population of 87 127.
  • Banska Bystrica - with a population of 88 390.
  • Zilina - with a population of 86 373.
  • Trnava - with a population of 73 012.
  • Trencin - with a population of 57 921.
  • Zvolen - with a population of 44 380.

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Last Update: Nov. 21, 1999